

LONGMAN SERVICES LTD overview - Companies House

Registered office address: Office 302, Breckland Business Centre, St. Withburga Lane, Dereham, Norfolk, England, NR19 1FD. Company status: Active.

aide | meaning of aide

noun [countable] someone whose job is to help someone who has an important job, especially a politician a presidential aide

employee assistance program

employee assistance program meaning, definition, what is employee assistance program: a set of organized actions by employers ...: Learn more.

ASSISTANCE - Korean translation

assistanceas‧sist‧ance W3 /əˈsɪstəns/ [명] 《U》 (가게∙호텔 등에서의) 도움, 지원 = help, aid• Please call this number if you need any assistance.

help | meaning of help

help · help to make it easier for someone to do something, by doing something for them or giving them something they needIs there anything I can do to help? A helping hand · Help · Help something ↔ along · Help out


noun [uncountable] help or support We offer financial assistance to students. Can I be of any assistance (=can I help you)? with the assistance of somebody/ ...

assist | meaning of assist in

1. [intransitive, transitive]HELP to help someone to do something assist (somebody) with/in something You will be employed to assist in the development of new ...

Assistant - LDOCE

assistant meaning, definition, what is assistant: someone who helps someone else in their ...: Learn more.

seek (somebody's) advicehelpassistance etc

seek (somebody's) advice/help/assistance etc meaning, definition, what is seek (somebody's) advice/help/assistance etc: to ask someone for advice or help: ...

pleased to helpassist

very willing or happy to help. If there's anything we can do, we'd be pleased to help. → pleased Examples from the Corpus pleased to help/assist







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